Cooking Workshop & Neighbourly Invites

Just knowing how to organise a day’s meals is quite an achievement for some folk.  This is especially so for prople who live alone.  They may have had a busy family life in days of old – bustling activities before and after school with children haring in and out of the house.   Then when the youngsters move out and go their own way, there’s the visits from them and their own children – nothing qute like tea at Grandma’s or Gandpa’s.  It is even more challenging for the men to get up and pull them selves out of the clutches of single living and lonely existence.  Joining a cookery class of any sort – a fish work shop for example, can bring lasting friendships.   Joining a voluteering group also have many side benefits where you learn new skills and gain an insight into life on the other side.  However, joining a workshop on any food can encourage you to invite the family over or get the neighbours round for a lightweight supper that you’ll be confident in cooking and presenting.  A different theme of friends with benefits!