Fridge Based Storage Brings Living Joy

There are certain things I find easier to do this summer than last, especially where cooking and catering are concerned.  I absolutely love soup, especially vegetable.  I find it was the most satisfying way to use up those dead and dying specimens in the salad drawer of the fridge, just before the whiskers or fur begins to appear.  I eat a vast array of green veg – I need these because of my regular medication includes hi dose pain killers – which can have unfortunate consequences for the living digestive system.  I now have a splendid, well organised kitchen with a pull out larder unit – floor to ceiling door behind which are five pul out shelves full offantastic spices, baking goods, condiments and all sorts of grocery items.  The other things ike tinned veges and fish asre stored in the equally impressive fridge unit.  This is whre all my vegetables are stores – in two massive salad drawers.  It’s wondeful to have everything so close by and within reach.  The organisaton and streamlining has really made me realise it’s not all a lot of hard work but fun can be had with food preparation in my kitchen and I’m now living my best life!