Proper Curry Cookery Lesson – Sheer Joy

When I was away recently, I had the chance to watch a cookery demonstration by the young woman from Sri Lanka who lives next door to my hostess and is the neighbour’s carer.  This lass makes curry – lots of.  Although hot, it wasn’t bitter tasting – some curry can taste sour, as though the ingredients have been singed and burned.  I liked watching her calm and very organised preparation too.  Because she lives with her aged employer in a village house – not much improved from hovel with power and light, it was even more amazing to see and taste the incredible dishes that came out of next to nothing!  Every vegetable that’s in season and thus, to hand, was peeled, chopped, genetly seared in the pan and then left to cook in the sauce with the meat, often goat or old mutton, until meltingly soft.   The flavours were incredible – no curry paste or jars of processed.  Turmeric and cumin came from natural sources from her home village and every dish had a differentiating flavour and appearance.