Several Hens And A Cookery Experience Day

A niece was getting married a year or so ago.  Invites were received in good time and then came an unexpected additional one, to take part in some of the activities for the hen party(s).  This phenomenon from the States, requires the bridesmaids to arrange a series of events for the bride’s closest confidantes.  Gone are the days when a table was booked at the local pizza parlour and a simply fab time was had by all.  No, nowadays it is a major competitive exercise to outdo all the previous hen parties known to womankind.

This particular series, over two days, offered home spa sessions, a chocolate working experience, lunch out at a pizza house, african drumming, photo shoot and finally dinner out at an up market Italian place.   All sessions were paid for by each acceptee.  The chocolate session at a good local establishment was best fun.  Good idea for other party themes.