We do have a much great standard of living in this country compared to many, many others. Despite econonomic forecasts being entirely doom and gloom, we do still enjoy exquisite quality of food, be that supplied ready for use by a busy family, or care home etc. But with that in mind, we do have to remember that not everyone in the country enjoys such bounty. There are many folk who simply do not have enough money in for a grander standard, however it is possible to buy food and provisions at very reasonable prices. There is now a resurrgence in the numbers of folk going down to their local fruit and vegetable store in the high street – this is very encouraging. The one I go to regularly is tiny but it holds wonderfully fresh stock of all kinds of vegetables from jerusalem artichoke to swede and turnip with carrots and brassicas by the ton. The prices are amazingly low in comparison with other sources and its like buying from the farm shop itself. I love going there and tend to buy far more than if I have to resort to the local supermarket. In the big stores the produce has usually been travelling vast distances and will be wrapped in polythene bags. My local shop doesn’t do that, the items are completely fresh and as picked from the field or collected from coven garden fruit and veg market early that morning.