Damp drizzly weather is never the best for encouraging folk to get out there and let rip with the wallet. Although Chrismas and the festive season is approaching with frightening speed, with the need for exsquisite and imaginitive cookery for days at a time. Most families are tending to be more cautious about their spending – the strange political circus is making a lot of people rather nervous and I find when I chat to friends that they’re taking a little longer over their buying decisions. This is particularly the case for updating kitchens and equipment to fill them with. Taking online buyers’ advice us key to finding the ideal design for kitchenware and there is a huge trend towards taking up places in artisan cookery workshops and online programmes show the amateur how to achieve those stunning dishes in remarkably quick time. Having somewhere to store and freeze these masterpieces is another small point. We’ll just have to get scoffing then, won’t we!